Sunday, March 3, 2013


That's my answer to the question we were supposed to respond to ("Have I reviewed my own recent writing and thinking and identified texts and topics of real interest to me?"), But also my general response to this whole experience that Dr. Burton is setting up for us. I just feel like this is why we live in the age we live in--to talk like we've never talked before and think like we've never thought before and create like we've never created before. I want to do something new because I want to live in the world I live in now, simply because no one else before us got to and I feel like we should take full advantage of it because they're probably jealous.

So I want to write about Shakespeare and video games. I feel like The Tempest is a great springboard, but I hope to touch on many other plays as well. I want to prove we've learned from the past, but I want the past to learn from us as well. I want to create dialogue that's never happened before--both between people and between texts (media? I don't even know how to jointly label Shakespeare with video games).

I wasn't only just excited by my own ideas, however (that would be kind of hypocritical to what I'm saying here). I also was really excited by Nyssa's idea about Kate not being tamed, but just putting on the final disguise of the play, as well as David's idea of the symbolic nature of the names in A Winter's Tale, and Mikaela's ideas of how Shakespeare presents Time almost has a dominant force over men. Lots of great stuff.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you said you want to and create new things because we should take advantage of what we have. I totally agree. It's amazing all the tools that we have to learn and communicate and create. In my ward, we recently had an activity talking about technology in the church, and we were taught all about the different websites and tools the Church has online now. I was amazed at how much there is at our disposal and how this enables to communicate with Saints and others all around the Church, which really hasn't been done before. It's something we definitely need to take advantage of. Thanks for the reminder!
