Monday, March 18, 2013

what to teach...


  1. You studied R&J for six months????? you poor thing!

  2. hey Leah! I would love to see in what ways MS is better than RJ? Are the plays trying to teach the same lessons and MS just teaches them better?? Or does MS just teach a whole new spectrum of things that RJ doesn't even touch on? I understand the baseline argument, I guess I just want to know why specifically you think MS trumps are RJ. Why does it matter?? is MS more relate-able to 9th graders?

    Other than that, I'm excited to read your paper and I enjoy the personal stake you have in the topic you've chosen!

  3. Lizy - maybe 6 months was an exaggeration but yeah we studied it FOREVER. Like maybe 5.5 months. It was just too much.

    Kara - good probing questions! Thank you. Let's see...I think RJ and MS are both representative of some key Shakespeare elements - RJ: love, eloping, contention, killing, secrets, disobedience to parents, meddling friends, etc. MS: love, eloping, disobedience to parents, disguises, meddling friends, magic, etc. I guess my biggest claim is a personal one - that I approve more of promoting the MS themes than the RJ themes. Is that too shallow?
