Saturday, March 30, 2013

Another Stab at My Thesis

I decided to tweak my thesis, and decided to make another video to help me refine my ideas. I'd appreciate it if you watched this and gave me some quick feedback.

(I just noticed that the last couple seconds are cut off. That's supposed to be "applied to our plays today")


  1. Paul this is such an interesting topic. I love WWII era, so you've already hooked me! Also the angle you're taking with examining the plays produced after the Nazi adaptation of Merchant is really smart because it helps us see why your topic is important. Keep it up! I'll definitely start following your thesis more closely because this video has hooked me!

  2. I agree with Bailey that your idea that Shakespeare's plays can be adapted to the culture they're performed in makes the topic really important. It brings up the questions of whether or not people have a moral obligation not to manipulate the plays to say what they want or how people can use plays as propaganda.
