Thursday, March 21, 2013

Peoples I will be writing at

aka my audience

I'm still struggling a bit with figuring out exactly what I will be writing about. But I think for the most part I've decided on not pursuing the high school idea (especially since a lot of people think that although Measure for Measure is one of Shakespeare's greatest, it tends to be too full of "adult content.")

So instead of decided to pursue the idea of using the play to teach mercy and justice (maybe still for younger generations?)

My audience - people. Mainly religious people. I've even thought of being as specific as Mormons but apparently a lot of people think Joseph Smith plagiarized Shakespeare (WHAAA???)

I think as I finalize my thesis I'll have a better idea of who I specifically want to read it. As for places of publication/presentation, I feel like my topic might go over well at BYU's English symposium, we're all religious-ish. I'm also hoping to get in contact with this blogger. They wrote a great piece on Measure for Measure and I hope they'd be interested in hearing my extended piece on their idea.

Honestly - trying to find a place is hard. I would be grateful for any help in this area.

1 comment:

  1. People think Joseph Smith plagiarized Shakespeare?? weird!
