Friday, March 29, 2013

Mid-Wishing-it-Were-Summer Social Process

Dr. Burton helped me find an English Teachers Google community and they have been giving me good feedback on my ideas about why MND is/isn't beetter than R&J and how to deal with sketchy Shakespeare topics. You can see our interaction here and here.

When Bailey and I were talking about our first drafts I really liked what she said about reality, and how Shakespeare plays make things look like reality when they're fake and Reality TV makes things look like fake when they are real (sort of). I connected that to the forest performance in MND when the Snug who plays the lion takes care to assure the ladies that he is not a REAL lion - as if they might be fooled by his authenticity. Reality drama!

I also found a JSTOR article that might interest Bailey, too, or any other classmates writing about gender roles.

1 comment:

  1. I love the title of this! I wholeheartedly and desperately wish that it was summer too! Also, way to help out a fellow class member! We can't expect people to help us when we don't help others.
