Saturday, March 23, 2013

Thinking about Audiences and Paper Venues

I was up late last night talking to one of my roommates, and she says she and our other roommate know a bit about the Tudors, mostly from the recent HBO show (which I've heard is very lewd). However, she did comment, "Whenever (the other roommate) says, 'You'll never guess what happened on the show!', I'm like, 'How did I not learn this in History class?'" So I'm starting to think maybe I could talk to my roommates about my paper--although they're not home much, and when we are at home we don't talk much. So we'll see.

However, it does demonstrate that a lot of people are familiar with the Tudors. Numerous books, movies, and TV programs have been written about them, and people consume these eagerly. So I think it would be a good idea to direct my paper to an audience familiar with the Tudors and the events that I am discussing in my paper.
It goes without saying that I would also like to direct my paper to Shakespeare enthusiasts. From a scholarly standpoint, my paper is relevant because the Tudor regime had such a huge impact on Shakespeare's writing and that is what I am trying to evaluate. However, a lot of people don't automatically connect Shakespeare with the Tudors, so for people with fewer scholarly inclinations this might offer a new perspective.

From the suggestions of my classmates, I already have a few ideas about venues for my paper. I already promised myself that I would submit to the BYU English symposium before I graduate, and I will especially want to submit this paper if it does turn out to be the best scholarly paper I've ever written, which I hope for. I am also thrilled by the idea that the Utah Shakespeare Festival accepts scholarly articles. That might actually be a very relevant venue because a lot of Shakespeare enthusiasts flock there annually, and they might be interested in what I have to say about certain Shakespeare plays. Some of them, for instance, might remember the most recent production of Richard III back in 2011 that I also went and saw for my 291 class. That production doesn't have any particular bearing on my actual paper, but I do think about it a lot because it was SO AMAZING!

Anyway, just a few thots.

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