Friday, March 22, 2013

"Have I submitted a revised final draft to the publication I've identified?": CHECK

Alternate Title: Oh My Gosh What Have I Done?

While puttering around for a publication venue this morning, I found a call for papers for the 8th International Conference for the Tudor Symposium, to be held this summer in England. Their topic was about the appropriation and adaption of Tudor literature in different cultures, something that lines up with my topic nicely. I checked the deadline, and, lo and behold, the deadline for submitting proposals is today! So, I typed up a quick proposal and sent it off.

Then, I sat back in my chair and stared at the screen. It took a few seconds for it to sink in: Oh my gosh, I though, I've just submitted my paper to an international conference. In ENGLAND. What have I done?

Now, I'm just a little bit freaked out. There was no indication on the website of whether or not they accept undergraduate papers, but the idea that I might fly all the way across the world to talk about my humble little term paper is rather intimidating--especially since this might, literally, make or break my career as an English professor. A little dramatic? Yes--but I'm still feeling the pressure.

However, I plan on using that to my advantage. Writing out my paper exposed some serious flaws with my research; presenting in front of an international conglomerate of Shakespeare scholars (BREATHE, MAN, BREATHE!) is a major motivation to fix those problems. This weekend is going to be a bit cray-cray, but I'm going to get back in that library and see what else I can find.

(for the record, I wasn't able to find any other really promising venues, but I'm going to keep looking. I have noticed that submission deadlines seem to be coming up very quickly, though, so I need to hustle a bit.)


"Many thanks for the abstract. We will let you know if we are able to include your proposal in the programme for the Tudor Symposium next week."

They know I'm an undergrad, and the fact that they're still considering me means that they do, indeed, take undergrad papers. 

I'm SERIOUSLY freaking out now. Like, SERIOUSLY.

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