Thursday, March 21, 2013

Shakespeare in Germany: David's Pitch Video

(Holy cow, I look like a bad bluescreen monster...)

Here's my "pitch" video for my paper. Making this video really helped me to articulate and refine my ideas, and now I think I have something like an introduction/thesis.

(also, the casual pose is due to layout constraints of my apartment. I considered finding a pipe and donning a suit jacket, but I thought that might have been a little much)


  1. Yay! I'm so glad that your thesis is coming together. It really sounds like you have a concrete direction for your paper, and I'm excited to read it sometime in the next couple days. Also, I love the tag "Godwin's Law." Good use of Internets.

  2. David! I agree with the above comment; I think that your thesis sounds great and it has come along wonderfully. This sounds like a very interesting paper indeed. I look forward to seeing what kind of performances you find and the finished product!

  3. ditto ditto! i'm really interested in seeing how you map out your argument in your paper. i hope mine sounds as interesting!
