Monday, March 11, 2013

Brave New Worlds: Finding Forums for My Topic

After extensive search on the subject, I found two forums discussing specifically Shakespeare as a video game designer, one on Kotaku, and one on The Escapist.

The funny thing was how opposite the opinions were. Kotaku had some naysayers, but it seemed that several of them thought Shakespeare would actually work out as a game designer. On The Escapist, however, it was almost a unanimous "NO."

The Kotaku forum is now closed, but I linked to my "The Tempest: The Video Game" post on The Escapist and told them a little of what I thought. Hopefully I'll persuade somebody.

Looking forward, I want to find more forums about video games as art, and possibly even the connection of art and theatre, as that seems to be where the most people think the real meat of my topic is.


  1. I swear I'm almost always getting tech help from you, but where specifically did you go for these forums?

  2. Haha no worries! This started as a Google search of just "Shakespeare as video game designer" and got really lucky, to be honest. However, I knew how to sort through the results because I already followed some sites talking about video games in general through Twitter and Facebook. So I'd say know who's talking about your big general topic, then go there to search more specifically. Sorry that's not more helpful...
