Thursday, March 14, 2013

Blerg (might be TMI for some of you)

It's been a crummy week. I loved David's post on his failure to manage time well. Feeling that lately. More so that my bf broke up with me and life seems very intent on being mean lately.

This is about how I have felt the last few days...

(courtesy of

Not a lot of productivity going on.

I did start to go back to my primary text and really try to find something specific to grasp on to. I got some great feedback on my last post so I've been trying to stick to listening to others, rather than running off with my own ideas (that obviously doesn't work in writing a paper or life either). Pardon the pessimism. But yeah, I get that idea that we need others, and I need to be less prideful about that. So here's to getting through the next hour without crying and to losing myself in schoolwork and being ok with that!


  1. Hey Amelia, check out my post, "A Tool that Might Help Everyone," maybe it could help you get through this hour!

    No worries--it's always at these lowest moments that I get my best ideas, so embrace it! You got it!

  2. Hang in there, I seems to me that we're all struggling with finding the time we'd like to dedicate to our ideas. Dr. Burton said it himself, "we have more going on in our lives than Shakespeare class". BUT, I do think that we can all use the time we do have to at least make a substantial effort towards something great! Just remember, "Writing is never is just DUE."

  3. Keep the conversation going. Obviously we are all wanting to be supportive in ways that we can be. :)

    Ingrid Michaelson. I don't know why, but this song helps me out when I am feeling the way you described. Maybe it will help you too.
