Thursday, April 11, 2013

Progress Report

Hey there everyone. 

I just figured that I would post about what things I took away from my meeting with Professor Burton:
I'll add more onto this later...I wrote most of what we talked about down, but I don't have the paper in front of me. 

Things to improve
  • More blatant transitions in my sections (rather that being lazy with JUST a section header. Not that section headers are bad).
  • Introduce some general teaching standards that schools have for teaching Shakespeare in my opening. This will make my paper more publishable.
  • Talk about how I came up with the criteria for a successful performance.
  • Don't assume that the people reading my paper have seen the performance--describe the atmosphere created more in depth. Put this under the "audience involvement" section. 
  •  Script cutting comparisons
    • Pros and cons
      • sometimes vital things are cut out for the sake of time, attention span, and clarity.
  • Find a publication venue...
    • look through past student's posts of similar topics and see where they submitted.  


  1. I feel like there was a couple issue in there that I'm struggling with as well, and it's definitely a really good idea to compile the feedback from your meeting!

  2. You might look at how Leah has put in common core standards in her draft.
