Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bailey's Draft is Real

I read a little about Bailey's paper at the start of the unit, but I haven't read/heard much of her stuff as it's developed. However, when I saw her full draft posted I was really excited to see where she'd gone with it.

I felt kind of bad when I found out she was waiting for a book that talked about how Shakespeare's theater was viewed in his own day from inter-library loan when I have three piled by my bed right now. Bailey--if you want, you can steal from my draft some of the stuff from those books!

Bailey's intro was great. I loved reading the numbers of viewers for popular reality show and the way she set up the argument--smart, but conversational at the same time.

I do think Bailey will have to be careful to not look like she's trying to say reality TV is as good as Shakespearean drama. I know she's not trying to say that, but anywhere she tries to get it published that isn't a reality TV blog will blow up instantly if its not very clear that she means, like she says, that reality TV is a "derivative" of Shakespearean theater. I do agree with that claim. Shakespeare is often hailed as creating "real" characters who at times act as crazy as "real" people in reality TV. There's something there.

I can't wait to see Bailey's paper come to full fruition. It's a great idea and I love it.

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