Monday, April 15, 2013

changes... or not

when it comes right down to it, I like my topic but I'm not necessarily a huge fan of my thesis. tonight I came up with a new one:

There's never enough time in the day, right? Time surreptitiously slides past as obligations go unmet, events unattended, and aspirations unfulfilled, leaving many to grasp at empty hours long since passed. There are those that would argue though that there is too much time in a day: the sick wishing to die or children anxiously awaiting Christmas break. To them, there is too much time, an overabundance of it, crowding their lives and overflowing in frustration, anxiety, and impatience. Can time really be ticking away in the same seconds and hours for all these individuals? Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale would argue that it can't be. The play mocks the supposed constancy of time, creating its own time specific to the world of the play. Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale and productions of it elucidate that time is not absolute but relative, and the passage of it cannot be defined by clocks, but only by individualized perception.

and in a perfect world I'd actually write that paper. Wish I had thought of that about a month ago instead of now...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I really like this idea for a paper, haha. Oh well. I hope all is well with the version that actually got written.
