Monday, September 21, 2015


The Oberon in the live production of MND is a much less unsettling character than the Oberon portrayed in the Netflix 1996 adaption. Oberon was a malevolent figure in the movie, a narcissistic, manipulative god who saw no problem in playing mind games with his wife and the innocent lovers. The live adaption though saw Oberon as someone who did indeed love his wife, he really did see here as his equal and cared for her. The drugging of Titania seems less of an attack and more of a prank-this might be due to the fact that Oberon didn't drug and trick Titania into having sex with an ass, which adds a certain dark and disturbing element to the movie adaption.  
The actor who played Oberon in the live production did so with the perfect amount of passion,intensity, and childishness, he never was unnerving in his obsession over the changeling child or his fight with Titania because of the silly way he sometimes moved and spoke, making him seem a bit more harmless. He didn't want to humiliate or degrade his wife, not really, he just wanted to distract her and maybe embarrass her a little so he could get the child, much like a child fighting over a toy who will trick his playmate into thinking the stick he holds is actually a very cool, magical wand. The whole performance made me see Oberon as a pouty child trying to get attention, making up stories, poking fun at the girl he likes, and sulking. In the end, he learns his lesson, he cares more about his wife then he does about having the changeling child in his guard, and realizes that maybe making your wife fall in love with an ass is a bad idea.

1 comment:

  1. Either way - obsessive creep or pouty child - it makes you wonder if Oberon is really fit to be king!
