Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Me in a Minute

My name is Shelise Rupp. I am 21 years old, from Thousand Oaks CA, and - you guessed it - an English major.  There. In one sentence I have answered all the stereotypical questions that we have all heard fifty times these first few days of school. So now that that's out of the way, I can tell you that I am addicted to reading, I love drawing, my favorite thing to write is poetry, I am a nature freak who goes googly-eyed at every tree, sunset on the mountains, or starlit night. I am the oldest of six (three boys, three girls), I am considering going to law school, and I served my mission in the Philippines Quezon City Mission. I am obsessed with the Lord of the Rings and J.R.R. Tolkien's work, and my favorite color is blue and my favorite food, chocolate. So there. That's me in a minute. :)


  1. If you do decided to go to law school, good luck! That should be really interesting! So, what is your opinion on Frodo's character? I know some people hate him and some people love him, so I'm just curious as to what your opinion is. ;)

    1. ooohoo, don't get me started!!! I love Frodo :D I don't know if I can say that he is my favorite, but I love human he is... except he's a hobbit :P :) But what I mean is I love how he has flaws and everything but he always does the best he can and, in the end, everything works out :)

  2. Can anybody help me figure out how to log in? Apparently I missed that part of the instructions haha

    1. Good question! I have no idea how to, I think Professor Burton just added us as contributors, I just got an email inviting me... did you not get it?! :/
