Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Quick Introduction

Hi everyone! My name is Jordan and I am from New Jersey. Like any typical English major, I love to read. It's what I do 90% of my spare time. My favorite book series is Harry Potter and if there was a class just about the Marauders, I would take it! My biggest hobby, other than reading, is cosplaying. I make costumes and props and then wear them to conventions. I am a huge nerd and it's great! A cosplay that you might recognize is Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. It's always a blast to see little kids reactions when they see me as Jack. When I have to time, I like to do a bit of writing. I usually do short stories but I would like to work my way up to bigger projects. Eventually I would like to be an editor for fiction writers. The process of creating a story fasinates me and I would love to make being a part of it my career.


  1. That costume looks really good! I didn't recognize you for a second. I love the power of creation that comes with writing fiction as well (birds of a feather flock to the same majors) and the collaborative effort of editors working with authors is a really fascinating part of that creation process.

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  3. Nice costume! I definitely didn't recognize you, either. I loved that movie! Hugh Jackman as a bunny was probably the greatest casting choice in the history of the film world.
