Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Sonnet about Vomit

I also decided to write a sonnet that was a little more ridiculous. I wanted to write about something silly, but still keep within some form. I tried my best to match the sound and overall feel of Shakespeare's sonnet 30, "When To The Sessions Of Sweet Silent Thought." I thought that writing a sonnet would be boring and difficult, but it turned out to be a fun and challenging puzzle. I feel like I understand sonnet structure more fully than when I just read about the proper rhyme scheme. Here it goes:

A Sonnet about Vomit

When I reflect on beef of Taco Bell,
And think of ghosts of sugar doughnuts past, 
I can almost smell some unearthly smell—
Each breath reminds what I devoured last.

Then can I feel the acid start to turn,
For once precious food sits in stomach’s pit.
Now my belly cries out, “When will you learn?!”
How heavily weighs that banana split!

And then I grieve at celery forgone
I mourn the loss of healthy muscle tone.
I should have said no to that last bonbon…
All I can do is sit and start to groan.

My throat constricts and I begin to spew—
A perfect way to bid my food adieu.

I really enjoyed writing this, but I definitely did come up with a few struggles. I feel like I am not one of those people that can easily recognize iambic pentameter, and so it was hard for me to know if I was accomplishing that principle of the form. Let me know if you have any pointers!


  1. I like it! Though the subject matter is certainly... unique ;) As for your meter, I think it's pretty good! A few of the lines, like line 3, are a little rougher, but I still think you did great!

  2. I certainly got a laugh out of this! I think you did really well with keeping the meter and I really enjoyed your rhymes.

  3. Loved the final couplet. Nailed it.

  4. Hahaha!!! I identify with that Taco Bell beef feeling...
