Friday, December 14, 2012

The Story of Marsha's Paper

I wanted to choose a controversial text, because I think censorship and book bashing is often bogus, so The Merchant of Venice was a good choice. As I read it, I was fascinated by the idea of nature versus nurture (my original thoughts), and wanted to find some evidence that Shakespeare was making a point about it. However, I found myself extremely confused since I found evidence in every direction, and it was difficult to formulate an argument. Fortunately, someone made a comment on a Facebook post of mine that suggested some deeper implications about that argument (my post about her help), and I began to think about why that debate even matters. I began to realize that in this play it really came down to how you judge someone, and so I began to look into prejudice. Once again, I found there was no definitive conclusion in the play. I was really frustrated with this, until I realized that in all my research everyone was making it out like Shakespeare was promoting something one way or another, and it was making me irritated, because I really felt they were wrong. I realized, quickly, that that was my argument. I was planning on analyzing the whole play (outline of original ideas) but found I had too much to cover, and so I just went with Shylock for now.
As I mentioned, censorship irritates me often, so I wanted this paper to address that issue, and I am studying English Teaching, so applying this to censorship particularly in the classroom was an obvious choice. The end.

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