Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Learning Outcomes

1. Gain Shakespeare Literacy

I feel far more appreciative of Shakespeare. He is no longer that dead guy that wrote a bunch of plays. Now I feel more able to dig out the reasons why his plays are so good. I have a stronger desire to investigate some of his other plays.

2. Analyze Shakespeare Critically

I still feel like I need a translator at times when I'm going over a play, but the language has become more easily readable to me over the course of the semester. I far prefer visual analysis to text. For me, it is easier to understand a play  when I am seeing it performed or even listening the script being read than reading it myself.

4. Share Shakespeare Meaningfully

Thanks to this class, I'm part of the Shakespeare Facebook group. I get to read about things like performances, important dates, and other Shakespearean facts. I still feel unworthy to share my own insights, but that is because I feel Shakespeare is a popular enough topic that enough people have become experts for me to not form any original insights to share.

5. Gain Digital Literacy

I hadn't realized such an emphasis would be placed on this portion of the learning outcomes. In truth I felt it was too much of an emphasis. I think a lot more could have been said about Shakespeare than researching twitter and goodreads. I hope the things I did learn will be useful in the upcoming technological future.

Honestly, the thing I gained from this class that I feel is the most important is an appreciation of Shakespeare. I may not turn into a Shakespeare junkie, but I don't think I'll groan anymore when I hear a reference to Shakespeare. And that is exactly what I hoped to achieve in this class.

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