Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Rosemary, the Fairy King

Hi. My name is Rosemary. I like to party.

By party, I mean I:
  • work at a high school with teenagers who have turned me into an bitter old woman.
  • have recently returned from a 8-year sabbatical from BYU.
  • am trying to get a fee waiver from Homeland Security, which is as easy as getting teenagers to turn off their phones.
  • read when I should be working...or sleeping...or eating.
  • play video games instead of read sometimes.
  • watch TV instead of play video games sometimes.
  • get too excited about comic books.
  • have adventures with my Misfits.
I was first formally introduced to Shakespeare through desperation. I was failing English. Luckily, my teacher was directing A Midsummer Night's Dream and her Oberon decided he didn't want to perform a week before opening night. In exchange for all of the extra credit, I memorized lines I didn't understand and ran around in tights. When I was around 17, I figured out that Shakespeare was a soap opera written in layers. I've been a fan since.


  1. Yeah, Shakespeare's about as layered as a soap opera can get. There's all the killing, loving and betraying that you could possibly want!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have never hear someone compare Shakespear's work to a soap opera but now that you have pointed it out, I see it. His plays are also kind of like those infomercials where it's like "here is this one tragic element but wait! There's more!"
