Sunday, September 27, 2015

Revision: More Vomit!

Here is my revision! Iambic pentameter is quite difficult, but I think I was able to pull it off. Sometimes its hard for me to determine if I'm forcing myself to hear the iambic pentameter, or if it's actually there. I ended up changing up the word BonBon, even though that was one of my favorite parts... Please comment if you think some of it is still off!

A Sonnet on Vomit

When I reflect on beef of Taco Bell
I stop and think of sugar doughnuts past.
And then I start to sniff some awful smell,
Each breath recalls what I devoured last.

Then I can feel the acid start to turn. 
For nasty food is in my stomach's pit.
My belly now cries out, "When will you learn?"
Oh no! I think my gullet might just split!

And then I grieve at celery forgone. 
I mourn the loss of healthy muscle tone.
At this rate I'll be passed out before dawn.
All I can do is sit and start to groan.

My throat constricts and I begin to spew.
A perfect way to bid my food adieu. 

Thanks for reading for me!


  1. From what I have counted, it seems that you have everything in iambic pentameter. I like the revision but I must say I do miss the bonbon. ;)

    1. I think I do to, I just still worry I'm forcing it. Would you change the way I worded anything? Or does anything else seem forced?

  2. This is awesome! The revisions worked really well. I think there's still one spot that reads awkward to me, just in the second to last stanza, where it say "At this rate I'll be passed out before dawn"

  3. When I read "passed out" it felt off because I give both words equal stress. Otherwise the meter was really good! I think your changes worked well.

  4. This poem is hilarious. On the first line I think "from" instead of "of" might flow better? And the fourth line on the second stanza seems a little out of place. But that's just my opinion.
