Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Midsummer Night's Rave

I saved this article a few weeks ago-- the idea of modernizing Shakespeare so that he's accessible to a new generation intrigues me. One can argue that Shakespeare will always be relevant in his purest forms (and I do fall in that camp) but I love watching the permutations of Shakespeare throughout pop culture-- not just adaptations of Shakespeare with popular actors (cough, Mel Gibson, cough), but ways that Shakespeare is tweaked to intrigue new generations or to mirror their values. Right now, creating social media interactions between Othello and Desdemona or condensing Romeo and Juliet into one IM conversation allows Shakespeare's plays to become accessible and more relatable to teenagers in a way that the old English can't be. I want to explore how Shakespeare reflects different generations based on when it's produced or remixed (or mauled), with an emphasis on the Millenials' influence on his works.

I'll probably read Twelfth Night, As You Like ItAll's Well That Ends Well or Taming of the Shrew.


  1. Sounds like an interesting topic. Personally, I think it would be incredibly difficult to capture both the beauty of Shakespeare's language and the complexity of original themes and still make it more appealing to modern/teenage audiences.

  2. I would like to see what you find! I wonder how the different times and generations will be represented.

  3. This is going to be a good paper! I'm interested to see the direction that it takes because you have a lot to work with.
