Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Five Different Theses

1. (Policy)
   As we study Shakespeare's antagonists and protagaonists we should view the protagonist not necessarily as the hero, but as the lesser of two evils.

2. (Definition)
      In Measure by Measure, Shakespeare shows us that there is no virtuous hero and that virtues taken to extremes are vices in themselves.

3. (Comparison)
     Readers might think of Shakespeare in terms of hero and villain, or good and bad, but Shakespeare's Characters are not so clear cut in their morals and roles.

4. ( Evaluation)
     Shakespeare's characters cannot be held to a black and white standard and by studying the people in Measure for Measure we see that just because one character is bad, doesn't mean their opposition is good.

5. (Cause)
    Because we generally follow Shakespeare's stories through the protagonist's point of view, we are sometimes blinded to the parallels they share with the antagonist and the vices they possess, as well as the virtues the antagonist does.


  1. Man, I really just like your topic... I don't know if I could pick just one thesis as my favorite! I really like 2, 4, and maybe 5. 5 might need a little rewording, but it's a good point.

  2. Shelise is right-- it's such a cool topic! I like your definition and causal claims the best. I think they will lend themselves to the most nuanced argument!

  3. I enjoyed your 1st and 5th claim the most. I think that the 5th is the most nuanced argument, but it does need to be reworded slightly, and I am excited to see it be more flushed out.
