Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Julius Caesar as a Vehicle for Teaching Rhetoric

So I have decided that my tweethis shall be: In the play, Julius Caesar, Shakespeare focuses greatly on the power and importance of rhetoric and thus this play is a tremendous asset to secondary school teachers who teach this tradition to their students and should be used as a vehicle for teaching both Shakespeare and the importance of rhetoric.

Okay, so it's a little rough, but it is a start. As far as my annotated bibliography, here's what I've got cooking so far:

  1. Social Graph
    I want to e-mail Professor Grant Boswell. He was my professor for both sections of the history of rhetoric and I think he could direct me to some good sources on Shakespearean uses of rhetoric tools. Professor Gideon Burton also specializes in rhetoric and Shakespeare, so it would be wonderful to conference with him. I have a a good friend who teaches ninth grade English that I would love to spitball some ideas off of for this project. Lastly, I think talking with Deborah Dean, Jon Ostenson and Sirpa Grierson could help me see if rhetoric is an important thing to worry about on a secondary level.
  2. New Media
    I looked at iTunes and they've got a few courses regarding rhetoric I'd like to look at. I also looked at and I want to start a discussion board about my topic to see if I can get people to want join in the conversation. I found this sweet blog about teaching rhetoric to high school students I want to see if I can find some more like it.
  3. Social Networks
    I am a part of goodreads so I posted a discussion about my topic. I also posed the question on my facebook status. I am debating on whether or not I should join ning. Any opinions there?
  4. Traditional scholarly sources
    I have an annotated bibliography full of sources for teaching Shakespeare from another paper I just wrote. The English Journal is a great source. I also have my notes from last year and a few books about rhetoric that I am going to start thumbing through. From the other blog posts it looks as if the 5th floor of the HBLL could be my new best friend! :) 

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