Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Memorization and Performance Assignment - Shakespeare

Shakespeare can be understood on a level otherwise unknown if students memorize and/or perform his words. As part of the final exam for this course, we'll enjoy one another's memorized words from Shakespeare. However, I will require the selection and memorization of passages earlier than the final so that the final is more polished (see calendar of deadlines below).

Students can choose from among these options:

  1. Memorize 50 lines (give or take a few) of Shakespeare. This can be in the form of
    1. a monologue (Hamlet's "To be or not to be"; Kate's final soliloquy in Taming of the Shrew; Henry V's St. Crispin's Day speech; etc.)
    2. four sonnets (two of which must come from this set: 18, 29, 116, 130)
    3. a set of important quotations of your choice from across Shakespeare's plays (from at least four separate plays or sources)
    4. a scene performed with other students where each student has about 50 lines
  2. Perform the above in one of the following ways
    1. Private recitation to the instructor in his office
    2. Video (posted either privately or publicly on YouTube - Doesn't have to be fancy)
    3. Classroom performance
  • Nov 2 (Mon) - Create a blog post indicating your selections for memorization. Quote the lines to be memorized in their entirety, preceded by a short explanation of why these were chosen and how they will be performed (from the choices listed above)
  • Nov 11 (Wed) - 25 of 50 lines must be memorized and recited in class this day (emphasis on retention, not performance)
  • Nov 23 (Mon) - last 25 of 50 lines must be memorized and recited in class this day (emphasis on retention, not performance)
  • Dec 9 (Wed) - Dress rehearsal for final exam performance
  • Dec 18 (Fri) 3-6pm (Final Exam performance)

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